
by Robert Wilkinson
This "Reverse Christ Fest" Full Moon falls at 11 degrees Gemini-Sagittarius, which fulfills the seed of the past New Moon in Scorpio. The Sun biseptile Uranus and Venus biseptile Mars along with Jupiter septile Pluto shows the Grand Irrationality continues in full play the next two weeks, with unique alchemical interactions and major turning points in multiple life areas.
This visionary and expanding Full Moon falls on December 1, 11:30 pm PST, 2:30 am Dec 2 EST, 7:30 am Greenwich. A quick look finds 10 Virgo rising in Santa Monica, 9 Virgo rising in Vancouver, 14 Libra in Washington DC, 7 Sagittarius in London, 10 Sag in Amsterdam, 16 Sag in Berlin, 16 Sag in Tallinn, 11 Capricorn in Istanbul, 9 Aquarius in Johannesburg, 18 Pisces in New Delhi, 20 Pisces in Trivandrum, 18 Aries in Bangkok, 13 Gemini in Tokyo, 26 Aries in Perth, 18 Taurus in Melbourne, and 3 Leo rising on Maui.
Because the New Moon preceding the Full Moon always represents the seed forms that are brought to surface at and after the Full Moon, please check out The New Moon in Scorpio - What's Happening November-December 2009. This can help focus what blessings and seeds are being offered to us in the near future.
This continues a pattern of the recent few months where the Full Moon falls in a different sign than the previous New Moon. This indicates that this 2 week period of fruition of the seeds of the previous lunation in many ways anticipates what is to come.
This phenomenon indicates that what is released as realizations in the Full Moon period actually "prepare the ground" for the coming New Moon seed. Strange reversal of function, since usually the New Moon provides the seed for the next Full Moon. But this works the opposite way.
This Full Moon falls at 11 degrees Gemini and Sagittarius. It is said that the middle third of any sign deals with the social levels of life, and being the second decan of those signs, invokes a sub-influence of Libra and Aries. Since the Moon always focuses the light of the Sun in specific forms, the degree symbols for both are important. The Sun degree is the illumination or enlightenment of the lunation, whereas the Moon shows us the potential forms that enlightenment will take.
The Solar degree Sabian Symbol is "The lamp of physical enlightenment at the left temple." This is a degree of "activity dominated by fate," "power of primordial images of Unconscious," and "influence of social mass upon the individual." Rudhyar says this degree is one of "relying upon organismic responses in meeting life's challenges."
He goes on to state that this phase in the 360 degree cyclic process concerns "the value of the 'return to the body'... in order to balance the stress on intellectuality and objective consciousness." It is a degree of deconditioning our consciousness that is too dependent on intellectual concepts, quantitative values, objectivity, and conformity to cultural patterns.
This is a symbol of enlightenment through trusting our instincts, where forms of ancient wisdom can be seen as primal symbols. Here we may need to pay homage to Goddess energy or the power of Gaia in order to experience our individuality in higher ways.
Dr. Jones says the keyword is RECONCILIATION and when positive it's said to be a degree of "personal effectiveness through an intelligent capitalization on past achievements." So this Full Moon will demonstrate the light of our instinctive wisdom through experimenting in new modes of self expression.
We are told this degree is one of "enlarged understanding" through an inner spiritual outreach where we balance consequences and meanings in our activities and relationships. Here we can see the world as a "laboratory for the soul," providing us with alternative fulfilling realities.
The formula is Manipulating, Practical, Original, Specializing, Spiritual and Experimental. Rudhyar states the degree is in the Span of Receptiveness, in the Individual-Mental level of Abstraction.
The Lunar degree symbol is "A New Path of Realism in Experience." This is a degree where we find a "new vista of concrete, conscious development," "renewed and enlarged opportunities," and must heed "Nature's call for the pioneer spirit."
Rudhyar comments that this phase is where we see "the power and joy of new beginnings," potential areas of new development for "full and effective individualization," and virgin fields of consciousness and activity. Here we show how we have transcended our past and our willingness to rise to some occasion where we demonstrate our ability to master natural or social energies.
Dr. Jones says the keyword is IDENTIFICATION and when positive it's said to be a degree of "effective mobilization of the self's practical resources for the role it must play in daily living." We find it is a degree of "enlarged understanding" and of rewards for trying different ways of doing things. This is a degree of weighing pros and cons and determining values based in their "demonstrated usefulness." Here "selfhood is refined through its constant self-analysis."
The formula is Manipulating, Practical, Ingenious, Specializing, Spiritual and Experimental. Rudhyar states the degree is in the Span of Zeal, and the Individual-Mental level of Discovery.
From these symbols it seems we can see the light of our instinctive wisdom through enlarged experiments in self expression that seem dominated by "fate," and express them in life events showing us that we are separate from our past, or need to leave some element of our past behind. This will express in the ways appropriate to where it falls in our birth chart.
This Lunation will show us what we've cultivated of the energies of last Spring's Christ Fest, when the World Teacher took the Buddha Wesak Fest wisdom Forms specific to the needs of 2009 and turned them into a global spiritual teaching. This is now the reversal of that Lunation, where the Sun illuminates the Christ Fest Moon, and the Moon gives form to the Christ Fest Sun.
Here we solidify a Wisdom-form by what we care about and how we demonstrate it. We can see the light of our group, which will bring forth forms of what we've cultivated. This period will stabilize the new initiatives of the Scorpio New Moon.
As noted earlier, there are several major aspects showing "fork in the road" energies at work. We see the Sun biseptile Uranus, a turning point in our individuation and ways of demonstrating powers we may not have known before now. Venus biseptile Mars is a major turning point for values, desires, and interpersonal relationships, and indicates emergent contacts with our spiritual Brothers and Sisters.
We also have some very favorable configurations, including the Lunation quintile and tredecile the Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune stellium in Aquarius, promising interactive gifts and highly specialized conditions that should be perfect for our specific needs. Show gratitude in all ways and new openings and protection will be yours.
Other stabilizing and harmonizing factors include Moon trine and Venus sextile Saturn, Sun trine Mars, and Mercury sextile the Aquarius stellium. We also find Mercury binovile Saturn, Venus binovile the Aquarius stellium, and Uranus binovile Pluto. The binoviles will help all to find the common base to apparently contradictory spiritual realizations.
Releasing the above energies are Mercury square Uranus and the ongoing Saturn square Pluto, the latter mentioned in many articles over the past several weeks. If you're wondering how the Saturn square Pluto affects you, please check out what I've written up to now about the various birthdays and generations affected by this major aspect in play for many months to come.
The squares release energies, challenge us to "square" ourselves with our true Self, or create friction allowing us to turn critical corners in the areas affected by the square. The Mercury square Uranus will show most dynamically in the areas we have 22-26 Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.
It will obviously most affect those born in mid-March, mid-June, mid-September, and mid-December. This aspect challenges us to bring some form of "genius" or uniqueness to practical usefulness, and move from anticipation to accomplishment without getting lost in theory. Figure out priority of importance, and find integrated synthesized explanations for what's going on.
I cannot elaborate on how all the different aspects will affect each of us. Still, remember the septile series aspects will lead to more radical choices and changes that will propel those areas of our lives into a more defined destiny. Since we have septile series aspects that involve Sun, Venus, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, you may expect strange events in all areas ruled by the first three planets, as well as where all 6 fall in your chart.
Since it is a See Saw pattern, stay centered, and try not to get lost in the margins even while exploring the outer limits of the field. If you find yourself seesawing between views or energies, try to find the way to mediate between opposing views by finding the third or fourth points that harmonize the opposites.
This time expands opportunities to demonstrate recently developed new powers and a new higher order in our life if we have gone deeper into our spiritual practice or found a way to bring more light(ness) to the process. It's time to focus while breaking through unproductive density and inertias as we break through to new duties and responsibilities of Saturn in Libra.
This is opening new energies in our Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius sectors and releasing powerful Plutonian influences. This is a time of radical emergences and leaving behind old collective influences through significant life re-alignments that can give us higher, broader perspectives once we give up searching in old ways and places.
For astrologers, a final note regarding the aspects finds Mercury, ruler of the Moon, in sextile to Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune. As Jupiter rules the Sun, this provides very productive and inspirational energies to help us make progress wherever these fall in the birth chart. Mercury harmonizes the Mars opposition the Aquarius stellium, which will help us multi-task as we prune back unnecessary ideas and distractive tendencies.
Thus the rulers of the Sun and Moon in Fire and Air work together to build our ability to find productive understanding despite oppositions. Just don't get distracted by getting involved in disputes that don't concern you, refuse everything that is petty or petulant, and show a grand dramatic style if you must convince someone of something.
As with the last several New Moons and Full Moons, this is the final phase of claiming a form of collective power and an enduring vision. We are still growing toward doing a work that will outlive us, so in the midst of the melt-downs, remember this is necessary as a result of prior actions, and is the initial step in expressing your heart.
Say goodbye to whatever is hindering your individuation or courage in focusing your energies to express your Higher Self. Through the light of Divine Magnetism, eliminate whatever you need to in order to set the pattern of regeneration, and express it through adaptable multi-tasking experiments using many different points of view.
The last New Moon has helped us see through forms and understand the structural strengths and weaknesses in various life areas. This Full Moon opens the Adventure of the next step of living new forms, new understandings, and new ways of developing our individuality.
Those who open to a deeper wisdom will find new development. As stated earlier, appreciation and gratitude will go a long way to healing whatever needs healing as we find new ways of seeing our experience and expressing compassion.
Alchemy is in the air. Now is the time to join with our kindred spirits while continuing to leave internal and external limiting factors behind.
© Copyright 2009 Robert Wilkinson www.aquariuspapers.com |