Imminent Revolutionary Breakthroughs |
Scott Mowry Humanity Poised for Imminent Evolutionary Breakthroughs Expanding human consciousness rapidly heading towards an impending, epic global event! Fasten your seat belts, it is going to be a wild ride! A great new leap of evolution has begun in earnest for the human race as recent dramatic events are signaling major breakthroughs about to unfold for humanity, at any time. Beginning sometime around July of this year, it would appear that the entire world entered into an accelerated phase of evolution that clearly indicates we are heading towards an epic paradigm shift. By all accounts, we can expect a grand event or, perhaps a series of events, to begin to transpire on the global stage. And we can assume this trend will continue to increase through the end of the year, well into 2010, and on into the conclusion of the year 2012. Although much negativity abounds, it is most important to be mindful of the overall big picture. While much of the mainstream, alternative and conspiracy media focuses on either the rumors of the collapse of the US economy, the swine flu pandemic, the New World Order, Martial Law, or any of dozens of other horrible scenarios, in the meantime, more and more people are awakening to the realization of the truth. This is directly due to human consciousness evolving very rapidly, and it is only a matter of of a short time before we reach that pinnacle where we will see the entire planet Earth shift into a higher state of consciousness. This could reach its zenith, as early as the end of the year 2011. Yes, well before, the date of December 21, 2012! Some have called this process ascension, while others have referred to it as achieving a state of enlightenment. Either way, there is little doubt that some absolutely amazing events are in store for all of us within the very near future. As a matter of fact, they are well underway as you read these words. And you should know that there is a precise and calculated reason for this acceleration of truth, wisdom and information unfolding. It is primarily due to the direction of a grand Divine plan, propelling consciousness exponentially forward, that has its origins all the way back to the dawn of creation. Some 16.4 BILLION years ago, as a matter of fact.
The consciousness of ethics is precisely why we are seeing so much of this incredible information coming to light because, quite frankly, it can no longer stay hidden from us in a veil of darkness. Therefore, truth is pouring out from all corners of the globe and beyond. And I mean quite literally beyond this world.
Then we will enter the time period when miracles will really begin to manifest themselves. At that point, we will have reached what the Mayans refer to as, "the time of no time," or to put it another way, the end of linear time as we have come to know it. And what then? Anything is possible! Perhaps we will see the whole of Planet Earth move into this ascension process and then into a higher level of consciousness, as if reaching the very top point of a pyramid, then launching into the unknown. It has been a long and arduous process for humanity and Mother Earth, but we can now literally see that the light at the end of the tunnel is in sight. We are almost there! And how exciting it is! So, even though there appears to be an overwhelming amount of chaos in the world, in point of fact, it is consciousness moving boldly forward preparing itself for a great transition The acceleration process is pushing to the surface some absolutely incredible new developments for all the world to see. Two of the most hot button issues at this time, that seem ripe to emerge from a long period of darkness are: 1) some kind of major economic/banking reorganization, which may include the demise of the US dollar and the Federal Reserve, or other financial scenarios; and, 2) an official disclosure of extra-terrestrial races by the United Nations, a foreign government, or quite possibly, by our President, Barack Obama. These are merely the most likely issues that could see an unveiling, yet there could any number of other revelations that could breakthrough, as well. Therefore, it is worth reviewing some of the more remarkable events that have developed over the last several months that have led us to the point where it seems all but certain, that some epochal moment for humanity is finally at hand. The balloon is about to pop! Of course, these events represent only a tiny fraction of what has come out into the open. We should assume that at least a 1,000 times more is going on behind the scenes and in the higher spiritual realms that is spurring on the awakening of humanity on a grand scale. More at: Verzorgd door True Spirit - 2009 - ©