Each one of you has an opportunity to move things along, by concentrating on the Light and sharing it around wherever you go. Believe in your own power to contribute to the changes whilst lifting yourself up. See what is happening around you, but do not allow yourself to be sucked into the morass that represents the dark ones. What you focus on is drawn to you, and this law has had much to do with your experiences so far. Give your attention to how you are going to prepare yourself for a period of unparalleled changes, knowing that it is for the good of all. Bear in mind that you will not be thrust into a new reality unless it is in accord with your own vision. This means that those who see a violent end to the Human Civilization, where there is great loss of life will experience exactly that. As strange as it may seem even in the end times you create your reality, as beliefs are powerful models for setting out the path ahead.
...Mike Quinsey
It will be rather like the re-establishment of electrical power in a grid system that has been shut down for a very long period of time, while major renovation, modification, and modernization was carried out. Suddenly there will be brilliant light everywhere in an instant.
"The elders are now sad and tired. We have been doing all we can to share our wisdom with many. We are tiring of explaining to the people of what is to come, and how we have the power to change it. It is not the Maya's fault, it is each individual's. The time of talk is gone, the time of adoration and looking for guru's to save you, or playing with spirituality as if it is a game - bragging to others of where you have visited or who you have taken lessons from, my teacher is better than your teacher. THIS IS DONE. It is time for each person to take responsibility of their individual actions. The elders are not here to save you --- YOU ARE HERE TO SAVE YOU. It is not too late; we can still change the way. It will be up to each individual. We are at the time of the 'crossroads' . We are now in the time when the land will return to conciseness. This means if mother earth is out of balance, she will clean herself."
..Mayan Elder Carlos Barios
Beloved Lightworkers, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will be opened unto you, for all the answers are coming forth now and it requires your discernment and your awareness. Each of you have your tasks to perform that adds to the whole picture, each of you are an important link in the Golden thread, the Golden chain of truth that is now manifesting upon the Earth plane. Each of you has your unique skill and talents and energy to give to the World at this time. You will all feel the great energies of inspiration and creativity, if you have not already, you shall. So be prepared for sleepless nights being inspired from On High with great wonderful new ideas and creativity. Your hearts will be uplifted to the Highest frequency levels that each of you can withstand in safety, grace and ease, and, I might add, total protection.
Keep ever to your task, look neither to the right nor to the left, stay on the straight and narrow path that will lead you to your Ascension into the Light, that will lead you to your unlimited Self, the Self that you truly are, that functions on all the dimensional levels and opens up an entirely new way of Being upon the Earth. This truly is something precious to work towards.
..Serapis Bey
The New Energy Wave of Acceptance is showering onto and over the Earth now, it is like the most sacred and holy energy shower that is submerging the Earth in light and love. As rain falls onto the soil of Mother Earth and seeps into the ground, the New Energy Wave of Acceptance is also flowing deep into the core and soul of Mother Earth achieving a new level of healing and the release of old negative energies, while also nurturing the positive vibrations of the Earth. The New Energy Wave of Acceptance is a new level of love that is anchoring onto the Earth now helping us to understand more about the love of our souls and the Creator, while integrating with new aspects of the Creator's soul. The three main qualities of the New Energy Wave of Acceptance are unconditional love, acceptance and balance.
If somebody has so far made his journey only to a „lower drawer“ than yours is, you must not climb down again on the lower level to bring him up, but stay in the upper drawer to shine your guiding light – so that he gets motivation to seek a path to uplift himself onto the higher level.